When should I take my baby to the dentist for the first time?

It’s easy to keep in mind: on the baby’s first birthday.

How to fight bad breath?

Bad breath can have many causes such as gingivitis, bad or old fillings, crowns or dentures; therefore, dental examination is required to find the specific cause.

What is a crown?

The crown is a prosthesis that covers the properly buffed area of the teeth. It can be made of porcelain, metal, porcelain fused to metal or composite crown. The dentist recommends a crown to his patient if: there is an extensive tooth decay that can’t be cured with a filling or in case of discolored teeth. The crown is placed on the properly buffed and prepared stub thus protecting it from external stimuli.

What is a dental bridge?

A dental bridge is a prosthesis that attaches the false tooth to healthy teeth. The parts of the bridge are: pillar, anchor and body. The pillar is the part on which the bridge relies; this can be a stub, a root or an implant. The body replaces the missing teeth.

What is an endodontic therapy (root canal therapy)?

The tooth can be saved with this therapy by removing the dead or inflamed nerve roots and making a filling. This intervention is 95% successful.

What is a cavity (hole)?

A cavity is a hole in the tooth caused by decay. Decay occurs when the bacteria in the mouth produce acids that attack tooth enamel.

What is gingivitis?

Gingivitis, periodontal disease. See detailed information at gingivitis menu.

What is an implant?

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root replacement made of biomaterials. Implants are surgically placed in the jaw-bone. Their role is to support restorations that look like tooth or a group of teeth.

What is a pit and fissure sealant?

It is a plastic-based filling material which is placed in the teeth hole in order to prevent tooth decay.

Is fluoride safe?

In proper dose, fluoride is a safe and necessary material. It is simple, inexpensive and effective in protection against caries.

How does fluoride work?

On one hand it works on the outside, on the surface of the teeth, making the enamel stronger and more resistant against cavity. At the same time it helps in the case of initial caries by reconstructing the enamel. On the other hand it works on the inside when it infiltrates in the teeth making them stronger. However, too much fluoride can be harmful. The ideal quantity is approximately 1-2 ppm.

Should my child take fluoride?

We have to determine fluoride quantity in drinking water. Te optimal fluoride concentration in drinking water that helps prevent caries is 0.8-1.2 mg/liter. In some localities the drinking water’s fluoride concentration is below the recommended.

Why are your prices so preferential?

Because the highly skilled intellectual labor cost in Transylvania is significantly lower than in developed Western European countries.

Dictionary of dental terms

Alveolus: an opening in the jaw-bone in which a tooth is attached.

Calculus(also known as tartar or dental stone): a hard, calcified deposit on the surface of teeth which is formed by mineralization of the dental plaque. It can be either subgingival or supragingival.

Caries (tooth decay): a chronic process that begins on the surface of the teeth and is heading towards the dental pulp, by which the tooth hard tissues are fractured. Dental cement: hard tissue that covers the tooth root.

Gingiva (gums): the oral mucosa’s specially modified part which covers the alveolar process and surrounds the tooth.

Dental bridge: a prosthesis that is attached to remaining teeth, roots or implants. The masticatory force loads only the natural teeth in the mouth. The bridge occupies as much or less space than the natural teeth.

Anchor: component of the bridge by which the bridge leans to the pillar. It can be a veneer crown, a dowel-crown or an inlay.

Dental pillar(FPD abutment): component of the bridge, the bridge leans to it. This may be a natural tooth, root or implant.

Fixed partial denture intermediary: component of the bridge which replaces the missing tooth or teeth.

Implant: the tissue implanted among living tissues is an inert material. Implants can be: sub-periostealis (under the periosteum), intraosealis (in the bone) and transradicularis (in the bone through the root canal).

Inlay: denture that replaces the crown’s missing part. It can be made of porcelain, metal or plastic.

Crown: prosthesis that covers the properly buffed area of the teeth. It can be made of metal, porcelain or composite.

Circular crown: it extends to the whole dental arch.

Onlay: deposit that covers the teeth occlusal surface which is anchored with posts.

Paradontium: frame of the teeth, has four parts: gum, alveolodental membrane, cement and alveolar process. Its role is to fix the teeth and to transmit the masticatory force to the jaw-bone.

Periodontium: the tissue that fills the space between the cement and the alveolar bone which provides the teeth flexible suspension.

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